Saturday, March 1, 2008

Keeping Creativity in Schools

I want everyone to watch this video. I was searching for ideas to blog about late last night when I came across this video. Ken Robinson is discussing the topic of whether or not schools kill students creativity. I agree with many of his points. The biggest thing that I take from this video is rather then writing off the student who can't sit still or pay attention as a failure, embrace those qualities and they will be more successful. Those students may only be bored because the what they are learning is just suppressing their creativity. As Mr. Robinson put it creativity is taking a chance at being wrong. Children do this all the time and are very creative, but over time that creativity is lost and the fear of being wrong takes its place. Just take a look at this video.

1 comment:

catarina said...

I agree! I watched the video and I also believe that creativity is extremely important!Kids who can use their imagination and create something of their own will appreciate the lesson a lot more!