Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stay in the Classroom There is a Lock Down!!!

Initially I did not give this much thought as this is something I have dealt with through my job as an EMT. I have be trained multiple times over on what to do and how to handle situations such as lock downs and threats. We have done training drills for bomb threats, gang violence, and incidence involving a gunman in my local high school. So for me it was just another day and had no effect on me. After we talked about it in class that is when I really gave this topic some thought. An incident like that may have a great effect on some students where others may be completely unaffected by the commotion of a day like that. It is a topic that has to be discussed and students should be given information on what is going on and how it is being handled. The worst thing for students would be to keep the information from them. Just telling them they are in a lock down and thats it can make many people very uneasy because no one really has any idea of what is going on or what they should do.

Another thing I believe is very important is to have the faculity, staff and aministration properly trained in how to manage a situation of this nature. Their are courses in incident command and large scale incident management that are offered by the state online at no charge. They are very informative and would help with an incident such as a lock down.

Overall the way the better the situation is handled, the more at ease the students will be during and after the incident. After a situation like this it is important to give students the option for counseling for the students because it can help students get passed the incident.

Although the other things are very important, the most important thing for any school is to have a well thought out and effective ploan for keeping students safe.

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