Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mock Teaching

The other day I taught my last 40 minute lesson with Dr. O'Brien. This was finally the lesson that broke down all of my fears of teaching and gave me a huge boost of confidence. Even though the internet did not work and I was unable to show the video, I feel the lesson went very well. Everyone was active and had fun. I figured doing a creative project to accompany a story would get the students thinking about the story and coming up with their own ideas. This was also a fun way to wrap up a story. It seemed as though everyone had fun doing this including myself. Prior to the lesson I set up little backpacks with all of the supplies the groups would need to complete the project, such as crayons, colored pencils, glue, markers, pencils, scissors, and other things that would be useful. This idea seemed to go over really well since each group got a backpack with that stuff and did not need to borrow from other groups. Overall, this lesson went great and I feel so much more confident about teaching and having fun in the classroom. 

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