Saturday, December 20, 2008

Valuable Lesssons Learn

This past semester has been an incredible learning experience for me. Not in the sense of material covered in class, but but in life lessons. I feel like this semester I truly grew as a person based on some of the events that occurred.

The beginning of the semester there was a professor that I did not like, I felt like she was just to full of herself and just going to be the type that would give us all a hard time. As the semester progressed things got better for a while, but then took a turn for the worst. It resulted in some complications and disagreements. After looking back on this semester I realized that professor was one of the best things that could have happened to me. She saw that I was giving up on myself and the reason she was giving me a hard time and pushing me was to let me know she hadn't given up on me and she still cared. So, the lesson I took from this was: even when you give up on yourself the ones who still care will keep pushing you.

I was a little concerned mid-semester when it came time for scheduling and I found out that my adviser in my major department had been changed. I wasn't sure really what to expect. When I went in for my meeting to get my registration form for next semester signed she sat down and went over everything and we discussed exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to accomplish it. This was the first time an adviser didn't just sign off on the paper and let me go. She actually took the time and went over everything. after much discussion she told me she would not sign off unless I agreed to cut back on the amount of hours I was working (which at the time was 40 to 60 on top of being a full time student). Initially I thought that to be unfair, but I decided to try it. After cutting back I started to see changes in my grades and my attitude, both for the better. At the end of the day she really made me realize that I need to slow down and focus on what is important and take time for myself.

Thanks to a few people really caring this past semester it kept me from giving up on myself and losing everything I have worked so hard to get. You are never to old to learn a lesson and sometimes they come from places you don't expect them to, but it is important to take them when they are offered, it can only be for the better. I hope as a future educator I can have the impact on my students that these professors have had on me.

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