Friday, April 25, 2008

Use of Certain Language

Today in class it was brought up whether or not it is appropriate to use words that could potentially be considered offensive, such as hell. I didn't even take notice to it until it was brought up by Dr. Luongo. I feel as though we are all desensitized to certain words and actions. It does not even phase most people of the current generation when someone uses what would have been perceived as bad or offensive language several years ago. Although this language may not be noticed by most, it may still be offensive to some. This is where a teacher has to determine what is acceptable and what is not. After having that discussion in class I went to my junior field class. I took notice to some of the potentially offensive language being used in the classroom. It was used in describing a certain situation. It was not meant to be used in an offensive manner. When used in that way, I believe it is acceptable on occasion, but it would be better if other words could be used in place of these words.

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