Saturday, April 5, 2008

Inspiring Someone When Least Expected

This post is inspired by an email I received from a friend of mine in response to an email I sent her. A while back I was speaking with a friend and we were talking about education and student. This conversation came up because some of the students in my junior field class are involved the mentoring, tutoring and life skills training after school program in which she is director of operations. Any way I wound up sending her an email that included a few links to different websites, one of which was my blog. After reading part of my blog and watching the attached video (the post about creativity) it inspired her to write an email to her boss informing him that she wants to change their program to inspire students to be more creative and become more motivated. She later sent me an email telling what happened after reading my blog and how I inspired her just by giving information and my thoughts. 

What I'm trying to say by telling you the story above is do not ever think that anything you are doing is meaningless because you never know when it could have an impact on someone else's life. This is something I will carry with me into the classroom. I never really thought that anything I wrote in this blog would have a great enough effect to provoke change in a program.

1 comment:

Dr. Luongo said...


This post gave me goosebumps.

Thanks for sharing.

You are right-- you never know when you will touch someone and change a life.
